The Centre for Community Based Research is proud to share the following reports, produced by the Family Child and Health Initiative (FCHI), and their partners. In 2022, CCBR partnered with FCHI to provide coaching on community-based research to the initiative, their staff, and their community partners. Together, we worked on 4 CIHR-funded studies committed to collaboratively take action on a variety of health equity topics including issues of family violence, physical activity during COVID-19, Type 1 diabetes interventions for young people, and the role of community health ambassadors in Peel Region.
Check out FCHI’s Community Reports:
Dianne Fierheller, Rashmi Narkhede, Jamaul Taylor, Midhury Karunanithy, Lavinia Lakhan, Ugonna Ofonagoro, Cameron Thompson, Cilia Mejia-Lancheros, Ian Zenlea. Evaluating the Peel Community Health Ambassador Program: Building Trusting, Equitable, and Responsive Healthcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Institute for Better Health, June 2024.
Dianne Fierheller, Sara Abdullah, Serena Hong, Michelle Vinod, Cilia Mejia-Lancheros, Hasha Siddiqui, Ian Zenlea. A Collaborative Response to Addressing Family Violence with Racialized and Diverse Communities during Pandemic Recovery in Peel Region. Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga ON, Canada. November 2024.
Read more about the work we did together in this recent interview with Dianne Fierheller, Co-Lead- Family and Child Health Initiative in our annual report.