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Looking Back at 2022: Project Recap

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

On November 29, CCBR held it’s Annual General Meeting for the board of directors. 2022 saw the organization launch and/or continue a total of 26 projects across theme areas including: mental health, disability, health promotion, early childhood development, peace, poverty, equity diversity and inclusion, and the settlement sector. Here’s a snapshot of what we have been up to this past year. To read more about past and current projects, check out our project database here.

Image credit: Infographic composed by Kate Short, a placement student working at CCBR during the 2021-2022 academic year.

Image description: Infographic titled project fact sheet 2022, which shares facts and figures from CCBR’s projects from the past year.

26 total projects are represented by lightbulb icons. There were 13 new projects (shown by blue light bulb icons) and 13 continuing projects (shown by orange light bulbs). The value of projects invoiced is shown in a bar graph. The graph shows project value approximations: in 2022 projects were valued at over $600,000, in 2021 over $500,000, in 2020 over $400,000, and in 2019 over $600,000. CCBR’s projects spanned regionally (9), provincially and (5) nationally. The regional project total had a house icon beside it, the provincial total had a small yellow map of Ontario beside it, and the national total had a small blue map of Canada beside it. Project Direct Funders are represented in a donut-pie chart: non-profit (14); government (3); academic (8); private (1). Project service areas are shown in a donut-pie chart. In projects that were promoting community based research six were training, one was networking, three were quality assurance. In projects that were conducting community based research 11 were evaluations, two were needs assessments, and three were facilitations. Project theme included: mental health/disabilities (2), five were HIV/AIDS / harm reduction (5), health promotion (1), early childhood development (3), 11 were newcomers (with an EDI focus), peace (1), poverty (1), and general (4).

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