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Private Sponsorship of Refugees Evaluation Framework

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

The purpose of this project is to collaboratively design and disseminate a framework to monitor and evaluate the settlement activities of SAHs (Sponsorship Agreement Holder) and Private Sponsorship Constituent Groups (CGs). The project built the capacity of CGs by clarifying roles, responsibilities and promising practices, while providing more national consistency for SAHs to assess their efforts towards evidence-based support. The project was led by the Centre for Community Based Research (CCBR) in partnership with Mennonite Central Committee Canada (MCCC).

The project involves 2 phases over 2 years and will use a “train the trainer” approach. In phase 1 we will use MCC as a case study to research how best to design tools for monitoring and evaluation and test prototypes. MCC represents an ideal case because of its national reach yet regional presence in 5 provinces.

In phase 2 we will move from research to dissemination by hosting a series of events to workshop the monitoring and evaluation tools. In this phase the scope expands beyond MCC as we plan to engage other SAHs and CGs across Canada.

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